Posted 14:14 PM 07/27/11
The Bad Loan Will Cost You Your Home
What does a credit report consist of?
Actually, a credit report is someone's credit history given by the following most important repositories: they are Equifax, Trans Union and Experian.
It consists of retailers, the credit accounts which got with the help of banks, credit card history and so on. What's more, the report contains such
public records as, for example, judgments, duty liens or insolvency. And in addition, the credit report as well demonstrates inquiries: the companies'
names who have received a duplicate of the borrower's credit report due to any reason. But at the same time, a customer's inquiry isn't reflected into
a credit report.
By the way, such information as, for example, religion, personal property, medical history and criminal record are not included into the credit report.
However, in different bureaus reports can differ from each other.
History of Payment
Creditors keep all payment history on a client's credit file. This consists of open and closed accounts.
Payment completely doesn't take away the payment history. The information stays in a client's credit file is as, for example:
Credit and Collection Accounts
• Open accounts paid as agreed are usually stayed on the credit profile for some time.
• At the same time, negative credit history is, as a rule, taken away in 7 years.
• Collection accounts are usually kept for 7 years.
• And as for charged off accounts, they as a rule, are kept for 7 years from the last activity date.
Court Records
• Insolvencies are kept for up to 10 years.
• Paid tax liens are kept for up to 7 years from the released date; however, unpaid tax liens are kept ad infinitum.
• And as for judgments, they are kept for 7 years.
Reported Balances
Creditors give information on a recurring basis, consequently the demonstrated balance may not be the one you consider it is presently.
As for inquiries, they are kept for two years, and they usually influence a client's credit score for the duration of one year,
and it just emerges on a mortgage credit report for the period of 3 months.
Credit Report Procedure
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is the regulation that rules both the repositories and credit reporting agencies.
The Federal Trade Commission imposes the FCRA. The FCRA summarizes allowable causes for people who are interested in a credit:
• regarding extending credits;
• analysis or collection of an account;
• reply to a court order, in reference to written order;
• assurance supporting, or else lawful business require;
• service uses;
• To decide eligibility for a certificate or other profit given by a governmental instrumentality.
Divorce Decree
It's really the fact that a divorce decree doesn't displace an original contract with a creditor nor does it free you from lawful accountability
on any accounts. It's better for you to meet with each creditor independently and look for their officially permitted compulsory release of the
responsibility. Read here some tips for divorcees:
• speak with creditors and request the company to remove the debt into a former partner's name;
• in the situation if a creditor won't relocate debt you should close out all shared accounts and take away balances from shared accounts to your personal
• in addition, refinance car and credits mortgages and close up credit cards to additional charges;
• you should remain joint bills current, even though it denotes picking up other half's share of the debt because if you don't do it, creditors will be unlikely to free one of you from joint responsibility;
• as well you should receive a copy of your personal credit report to know precisely the sum of owed debts, and go on checking all changes.
Credit Refused
In the situation if you have been refused credit, you have the chance to get a free copy of the credit report.
You should offer to the repository a letter that confirms you've been refused.