Posted 14:37 PM 07/12/11
Seniors' Housing Needs
A Housing Needs Assessment for seniors was created in December 1997 in the City of San Jose by a special consultant.
The study restricted senior housing requirements with some exponents, and offered an analysis of the supplied with the subsidies senior housing help and,
in addition to the straight connected obtainable services that have a great influence on the kind of housing seniors requirements.
Here you'll see the most important results of the study:
1. The five exponents used to gauge the level of senior housing need every document the high rank of unsatisfied requirements:
• As a matter of fact, incomes of senior are significantly smaller compared with citywide ones.
• Just about 27percents of seniors are in the awfully low-income group; 20 percents has very low-income; and 12 percents have low-income.
• As for paying for housing among the senior households who rent in San Jose, almost two-thirds disburse over 30 percents of their incomes and about
one-third pay over 50 percents their incomes.
• In general, over 19,000 senior households who either rent or own housing had to pay more than 30 percents of the incomes on housing (about 52 percents
of senior households with incomes equivalent to or less than 80 percents of middle income).
• Actually, the number of senior is raising and will go on to raise considerably quicker than the City population.
• Because of the attached nature of seniors' income the latest growth of rents is having a more considerable influence on them than on the other people.
• Jobs in inexpensive senior housing departments for ELI and VLI seniors are infrequent, and what's more, waiting lists for senior housing are huge,
and seniors very often have to wait over than 6 years to find reasonable units.
2. Frankly speaking, the obtainable housing service is insufficient to meet seniors' needs, though the San Jose housing supply proposes a diversity of options:
• As for San Jose here there are about 2,500 units of supplied with subsidies independent and assemble units, 700 units of unsubsidized reasonably priced
congregate and assisted living housing, about 1,250 board and care beds, and over 2,500 beds in nursing facilities.
• As well, only 226 can be classified as congregate housings of the 2,500 subsidized housing. Other housing is classified as autonomous/unaided housing.
• The offered subsidized service is equally separated between units for extremely low-income and low-income families. By the way, few subsidized housings
have been built for moderate-income elders.
• A small amount of the subsidized housing developments offer centralized dining facilities and bodily adaptations for seniors, help with chores,
transportation to hospital or, for example, greengrocery shopping and etc.
• None subsidized housing developments and few of affordable non-subsidized units offer life care living arrangements in which elders can grow from a
rather independent lifestyle to a living arrangement providing desirable help. Overall, elders must change place to make safe higher levels of aid.
3. There is a lack of straight connected services:
• This is mainly felt in the middle-income range, where financial support for services is frequently absent,
and in the lower-income range, where financial support is insufficient.
• This lack has an effect on seniors' excellence of life in their existing living arrangements, and it can be a reason of seniors to move ahead of time
to more costly housings with higher ranks of care. And, as matter of fact, it's both troublesome to elders and expensive to the society.