Posted 6:23 PM 05/25/11
How Survive in New York?
Actually, you can leave for New York any time however it's not very easy to survive there.
You can just pack your suitcase but it'll be much better if you be ready to some kind of difficulties.
In fact you should be ready for example for so called culture shock. Everyone in New York is in such a hurry and if you want to ask any questions
New Yorkers can hardly find time to answer them, because they just have no enough time to do it.
But you shouldn't be afraid of it; the proverb says all bark and very little bite, so you should just follow some rules.
Finding Housing
Actually, finding housing is the most difficult but the most important task for newcomers.
Note that renting an apartment in Manhattan is wholly unreal because of high price.
Here are some tips how to find housing:
Try to look for housing in Murray Hill or the Upper East Side a area east of Lexington as in fact you'll find lots of inexpensive, high-rise, doorman apartment buildings.
Find a neighbor to share spending and save the money.
If you live with the neighbor and don't like him/her, call a local company that will build a temporary wall in your room, which changes a one-bedroom into a two-bedroom apartment.
How to Find a Job
Frankly speaking New York isn't the place where you'll find a job very quickly. Be ready to spend some time and efforts to get a job.
Don't just try to find jobs, search for information.
Look for local companies and visit them to set up some interviews.
Always do the interview.
To find a job you'll have to learn to move d as a result you should go by subway. And in fact it's not very easy for newcomers because it can be hard
enough to differentiate the local and the express routes. That's why you should study the subway map earlier than leaving for New York.
You can just download a subway map to your mobile phone and practice.
Now some words about dress. If you are walking to your job or have to go by subway don't wear high heels and just wear tennis shoes;
it's all right here because it protects your smart shoes and keeps people more relaxing. Note that each New Yorker wears something black because it's
very fashionable.